Randomness in cryptography

Randomness in cryptography

Although it seems randomness is everywhere, it’s quite hard to generate lots of pure random numbers which is essential for cryptography and security. There is also randomness in cryptography. I recommend a yt from Numberphile where it is well explained: Random Numbers — Numberphile — YouTube.
A great example of giving a random number by people (most of us will give 7) shows that this is non-intuitive for humans.

How to generate random numbers? There are 3 ways to do that:

  • when it is based on physical phenomena then it is called True Random Number Generation (TRNG)
  • when it is mathematically generated then it is called Pseudo-Random Number Generation (PRNG)
  • when a mathematical function is seeded with a true random number then it is called Seeded PRNG.

TRNGs are the best but achieving good throughput of generation in a completely deterministic environment like a computer is hard work. That’s why humans invited mathematical functions which imitate randomness (PRNGs). However, those functions have some long periods so to avoid such drawbacks quite a good solution is a merge of the two above — PRNGs with a seed generated by TRNG.

Why it is so important? To have a big ‘key space’ that defines the security of the crypto-system. I’ve already discussed the One Time Pad cipher where it is ideally secure if only the random sequence is good quality. For other crypto-technics, it is similarly important and it is used i.e. to generate the secret key, initialization vector, or prepare a secure pin/password.

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