Embedded Hardware development – challenges

embedded hardware development

Let me dive into the challenges of developing hardware for embedded. Embedded hardware development can be divided into four stages.

1st stage is prototyping which is costly:

  • one prototype = 10 iteration of software = 100 pieces of product
  • tools are very cost-saving so model, emulate and simulate everything
  • evolution instead of revolution — making everything from scratch at once is usually a bad idea

2nd stage is testing & certification to make the device:

  • robust and harmless to the environment
  • safe for users and other people
  • secure against malicious attacks

3rd stage is manufacturing process which need to be:

  • well prepared — single mistake = 1000 issues
  • optimized — 1$ on piece = 1000$ of costs
  • controled — quality is invaluable

4th stage in embedded hardware development is service:

  • the one which need to be avoided — just make the device properly
  • but remember customers are like teeth — ignore them and they’ll go away.
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