Embedded hardware tools

embedded hardware tools

Finding the right embedded hardware tools is often half the battle. To understand what you need let me explain briefly when and what is needed to prepare embedded hardware design.

While working on an electronic design you will need software tools:

  • to prepare a schematic and define elements, connections, and rules,
  • to draw printed circuit board (PCB) with physical layout and connection between components,
  • a database to store details of components which you can choose for this and other projects.

After preparing the design it is time for modeling it to verify:

  • if it works properly by simulating electronic behavior,
  • if it fits physically into housing by 3D modeling.

The last stage is to confirm proper behavior of design in reality with physical tools:

  • by measuring the prototype with equipment like oscilloscope, sniffers, etc,
  • by examining production candidates with certification equipment like EMC/EMI test equipment,
  • by checking the quality of the final product with production testers.

If you think there are other crucial stages that need a tool, or other embedded hardware tools please share your view in the comments!
And remember you are as good as your tools so choose them wisely!

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