5G New Radio Basics

5G New Radio

How about a few facts about 5G New Radio and a dadsjoke as a reward?

5G utilize two ranges of radio frequencies:
— Frequency range 1 (FR1):

  • below 6GHz with better propagation characteristics,
  • used for wide-area communication,
    — Frequency range 2 (FR2):
  • above 24Ghz with higher throughput,
  • ideal for hot spots in city centers and buildings.

Bandwidths for the above frequency ranges vary:
— For FR1 they are relatively narrower to achieve good throughput while maintaining flexibility
— For FR2 they are wide and focus on best spectrum usage to achieve high throughput

While transmitting data 5G use:
OFDM modulation where different frequencies are used for different data streams
— multiple access techniques where:

  • different subcarriers are allocated for different users (OFDMA)
  • those frequencies are allocated for a specific time (TDMA)
  • same frequencies at the same time could be sent to different places (SDMA).
    — two-way transmission (duplex) in time and frequency domain so:
  • data could be sent from/to network in different moments in time (TDD),
  • data could be sent from/to the network at different frequencies (FDD).

Since you are still here let me share with you a dads joke:
Why was the cell phone wearing glasses?
He lost his contacts!

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